Washington Parkway Garden
Welcoming Visitors Approaching The Seawall

This colorful garden welcomes you to the Seawall area.

The granite bench was designed from unearthed slabs.

Red Canna plants anchor the summer's blooms.

Colorful flowers attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
- John Florian photos
Garden Volunteers: Kevin Regan (Captain), Alanna Regan
By Charlie Lautier
Visitors and Lordship residents alike invariably walk or drive down Washington Parkway to the Stratford Seawall for a view of the Long Island Sound, or to dine at the fine seaside restaurants in the area. On their way they are greeted by the welcoming colors of the Washington Parkway Garden, located close to West Hillside Avenue and situated on the road’s esplanade (see LIA Gardens Map).
The garden is the creation of Garden Captain Kevin Regan, who was assisted by his friend Scott Lamorte, landscape professionals, and many other volunteers from the Lordship Improvement Association (LIA).
Before construction could start in 2016, however, the LIA requested the Town of Stratford for permission to create a new garden space there for the benefit of the community and visitors. Permission was granted and work started in earnest to fulfill the vision the gardeners had in mind.
That summer, Kevin and Scott installed a stone bench in the shape of a squat Greek letter Pye. Designed by Kevin, the rock granite bench was constructed from slabs that were discovered and unearthed at the garden location during preparation and determination of the size that the garden would take, while using a rototiller.
The bench faces the garden, and on hot summer days it is shaded by a nearby large tree, possibly a Little Leaf Linden tree, which towers over it.
The garden serves as a “WELCOME TO LORDSHIP ON THE SOUND” with its colorful floral display, that is lovingly cared for by Kevin and his wife, Alanna.
The garden’s most prominent flowers are the seasonal majestically flowering Red Canna plants positioned as a center feature. These brightly colored flowers invite butterflies and hummingbirds.
Surrounding the Red Canna in the shape of a box are four evergreen boxwood shrubs. The all-summer flowering annuals include Yellow Marigolds, assorted New Guinea Impatiens, White Verbenas and Purple Petunias.
In fulfilling its goal as a beautiful welcome to visitors, the garden did not escape the notice of the Town of Stratford’s Beautification Committee, which recognized the accomplishment by presenting its 2016 Beautification Award to the LIA for the Washington Parkway Garden.
So next time you travel down Washington Parkway toward the Seawall, give a thought to the LIA volunteers and Lordship residents who, by their contributions, whether through physical effort or LIA membership donations, made this garden and all the Lordship LIA gardens possible for everyone to enjoy.
See also: About the author.
Volunteer! Enjoy meeting and working with your neighbors to enhance and preserve Lordship’s beauty. Say hello at LordshipIA@gmail.com.