Triangular Rose Garden
Seasonal Blooms Ring The Roses
Colorful annual plantings ring the roses.

A roses-eye view of the Bluffs and Long Island Sound.

Colorful annuals are planted each year ...

... to create a vivid display.
Garden Volunteers: Lynda Williams (Captain) and Christine Griffin
By Charlie Lautier
Overlooking the scenic Lordship Bluffs at the intersection of Park Boulevard, Maple and Laurel Streets is a triangular traffic island, which is the home of the aptly named Triangular Rose Garden (see LIA Gardens Map).
This was one of the first gardens to be planted by members of the Lordship Improvement Association (LIA) Beautification and Parks Committee.
Garden Captain Lynda Williams has benefited tremendously from her partnership here with Christine Griffin, a master gardener and chair of the LIA’s Environmental and Education Committee. Christine’s knowledge of the care of roses and all things gardening, along with that of landscape designer Kevin Regan results in beautiful summer-long blooms.
Daffodils, Stratford’s Town Flower, flourish around the perimeter of the garden in the springtime. In recent years, Begonias and Grape Hyacinths have also been planted for the summer season.
In spring 2021, Kevin tilled the very hard clay-like soil down about a foot and expanded the circular garden in the process. In the fall, metal edging was installed around the garden’s perimeter to provide a strong definition between the garden and the grassy area and, at the same time, help to keep the grass clippings where they belong.
As with some of the other gardens that LIA tends, Stratford’s Public Works Department is responsible for mowing the triangle.
Credit should also be given to the late Rudy Listori who, when the garden was initially dug, came to the rescue with his trusty tiller to dig the very hard and dense soil - an undesirable condition that is typical of the soil found along the Bluffs.
See also: About the author.
Volunteer! Enjoy meeting and working with your neighbors to enhance and preserve Lordship’s beauty. Say hello at LordshipIA@gmail.com.

Christine Griffin, Kevin Regan and Lynda Williams