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Safeguarding The Lordship Bluffs

Here's how to help us preserve the Bluffs for all to enjoy

Dear Lordship Neighbors,


The Lordship Improvement Association (LIA) is dedicated to protect and preserve the natural environment and enhance the beauty of our Lordship community. The LIA is supported by donations from neighbors and is an all-volunteer organization.  


The Bluffs - the land between Park Boulevard and the high-water mark, from Lordship Road to Spruce Street - is held in a land trust for the enjoyment of Lordship residents.


The Lordship Improvement Association, as a non-profit organization (501 3(c), maintains the Bluffs, nature trails, and Russian Beach for the enjoyment of Lordship residents.


The LIA also created and maintains 8 public gardens, as well as provides environmental and educational projects and events. LIA has the Bluffs mowed, flailed, and the main path maintained.




Please work with us to safeguard this beautiful area by notifying the Stratford POLICE (203-385-4100) when you are aware of destruction or safety issues.


Recently, many trees were cut in the Bluffs and left fractured, disturbing the habitat and disrupting the natural beauty of our waterfront.  


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Recently, many trees were cut in the Bluffs and left fractured, disturbing the habitat and disrupting the natural beauty of our waterfront.


Please call Stratford Police when you are aware of destructive, unsafe or illegal activities: 203-385-4100

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The root systems of trees prevent serious erosion, and the hacked trees are an affront to all the volunteer efforts to protect the environment. The Bluffs are private property – destroying the trees is vandalism and illegal.


There have also been fires, some using the wooden snow fences that volunteers erected to prevent beach erosion. Summer tends to bring groups of people who leave trash and are quite noisy. The Bluffs close at dusk, so please call the Stratford Police if you are aware of disruptive, unsafe, illegal activities.


Thank you in advance for your willingness to partner with Lordship Improvement Association to create a safe, beautiful, natural environment for Lordship residents.  


Please know, you are welcome to attend LIA meetings and follow LIA through the LIA Facebook Group, our website, and the LIA News Blog.




The Lordship Improvement Association Board of Governors:


Jim Warren – President                        

Emily Viner – Associate President        

Hans Drenkard – Secretary

Susan Birge - Treasurer

Jane Scofield - Burgess            

John Florian – Historian/Communications


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