Welcome and congratulations EMILY VINER!
Longtime Lordship resident and LIA member Emily Viner has been elected to the Lordship Improvement Association's Board of Governors. She's now Associate President of the LIA - a role previously held by Kevin Regan, who is taking a breather from his many years of LIA activities (more on Kevin in a post tomorrow).
Emily has lived in Lordship since July of 1992 and loves everything about our special slice of heaven on earth. You can find her working in her yard, walking the beach and photographing all things nature! She is also a 30-year member of Lordship Community Church.
And you'll often see Emily and her garden co-captain Karen Kochiss planning, planting, weeding and mulching at Captain Kidd's Garden on the west end of the Lordship Bluffs. She and Karen have worked there for many years to create a sustainable perennial garden for all to enjoy.
Emily is also recently retired from Guardian Life Insurance Company of America where she was a Financial Services Distribution Executive.
Learn more about Emily here: https://bit.ly/LIA-EmilyViner
Congratulations, Emily!
PS: The LIA is a non-profit organization dedicated to the beautification and preservation of our fantastic shoreline community. Volunteers are always welcome. (www.LordshipCT.org).
