Community volunteers made a clean sweep of litter and debris from the Bluffs and Russian Beach … LIA volunteers planted 400 daffodil bulbs in two beds on the Bluffs … and Charlie Welsh led a team of youth and adults in his Eagle Scout project installing 600 feet of wood drift fence (supplied by the LIA) to support dunes and prevent erosion on Russian Beach.
What a day! Thank you all for your support. And a big THANKS to Lordship residents who every day walk our community picking up litter that others so rudely leave behind.
PS REMINDER: The Lordship Improvement Association’s (LIA) final quarterly Committees Meeting of 2024
- open to the public - will be held Monday, November 18, from 7-8pm, at the Lordship Fathers Club clubhouse (behind the Firehouse), 21-1/2 Prospect Drive.

Thanks so much to sll who helped. Looks BEAUTIFUL!!!
Wonderful community spirit creating a better more beautiful environment for everyone to enjoy. Thank you to all the volunteers who gave up a Saturday morning to benefit our community. Christine