Crown Street Garden
A Circular Flourish Of Perennials And Annuals

A Dogwood tree and Daffodils welcome spring.

Liriope, a flowering grass-like plant.

Garden Volunteers: Janet Lengel (Captain), Kathy Hener,
Paula Sweeley and the Barstow Family

By Charlie Lautier
On a triangular traffic island at the intersection of Crown and Pauline Streets in Lordship, is a circular garden that is enjoyed by all the teachers, students and parents who pass by on their way to the nearby Lordship Elementary School (see LIA Gardens Map).
A lovely pink-flowered Dogwood tree stands in the middle of the garden, which was created by Lordship Improvement Association (LIA) Beautification Committee members Kevin Regan, Emily Viner, Ann Fariss and Janet Lengel. Janet is the current garden Captain, assisted in garden maintenance by Kathy Hener, Paula Sweeley and the Barstow family.
In the spring we enjoy a flourish of Daffodils (Stratford’s Town Flower) and Grape Hyacinths there.
A variety of annuals consisting of Petunias, Vincas, Marigolds, and Coleus are planted each year.
The garden also displays perennials including Black-Eyed Susans, Liriope – a flowering grass-like plant native to East and Southeast Asia – and Autumn Joy Sedum.
See also: About the author.
Volunteer! Enjoy meeting and working with your neighbors to enhance and preserve Lordship’s beauty. Say hello at LordshipIA@gmail.com.
Above: Colorful annuals are planted every year ...
Left: ... and all is in full bloom by mid summer.
- Photos by John Florian and Janet Lengel