Your Donation Makes A Difference!
Your financial support is vital to continuing LIA projects that benefit everyone
2024 Membership / Donation Drive: $35,000 Goal
The LIA was formed as a land trust for the use and enjoyment of Lordship residents, and your financial support is vital to continuing projects that benefit ALL Lordship residents. This includes maintaining the Lordship Bluffs and nature paths, the LIA’s 8 gorgeous gardens, and other beautification and educational projects (see map).
The all-volunteer association receives no other financial assistance!
LIA Membership donations are renewed annually. Please consider an option that suits you best:
Lifetime Membership: $10,000
Annual Memberships:
President's Club - $1,000
Lighthouse Club - $500
Russian Beach Club - $100
Member - $50
Booster - less than $50
The LIA gratefully accepts gifts and bequests in memory of loved ones.
Please consider including this request in the obituary information.
To write a check, please send to:
Lordship Improvement Association, Inc
P.O. Box 313
Stratford, CT 06615
Or donate online with credit card or PayPal:

Please Note:
Contributions from non-residents are welcome; however, voting rights are available only to Lordship residents who contribute $50.00 or more.
The LIA is a 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible.
All personal information is kept confidential and will not be shared with any other organization or business concern.
Thank you for your support!
You Can Also Get Involved ...
How to help your neighbors beautify and preserve Lordship

We’re eager to welcome you! Come to a meeting, share your ideas, pitch in. Like the Bluffs of Lordship, the Lordship Improvement Association is yours, too. Let us know your interests (gardening, environmental projects, photography, etc.), with an email to LordshipIA@gmail.com.
Subscribe to the LIA NEWS blog for details about meetings that are open to the public.
COMMITTEE MEETINGS: Open to the public, for reports and discussion of projects and plans. Meetings are held at the Lordship Father's Club Clubhouse (behind the firehouse, 21-1/2 Prospect Drive) at 7:00 pm.
ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING: Open to the public, for reports and discussion of projects and plans, voting and elections to the Board of Governors. Annual Meetings are held at the Our Lady of Peace Parrish Hall (behind the church at 651 Stratford Road), starting at 7 pm.
Next Annual Meeting: July 16, 2025.
BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Meets monthly.
See Meetings Minutes & Financial Reports
Let us know your interests (gardening, environmental projects, photography, etc.), with an email to LordshipIA@gmail.com.