2024 LIA Membership / Donation Drive
Your financial support is vital and appreciated. Here's how you benefit!
Dear Neighbor,
This year the Lordship Improvement Association (LIA) celebrates
its 100th anniversary!
In 1924, the LIA was formed as a community organization focused
on the betterment of Lordship. Let's celebrate this milestone on June 23
with a cookout on The Bluffs, followed by a Bands on The Bluffs
performance at 6:00 PM (see details).
In 1948 a landowner/developer of Lordship established a land trust,
now known as The Bluffs and Russian/Lordship Beach, for the use
and enjoyment of Lordship residents. This area is entirely maintained by donations from Lordship residents to the LIA – the Town of Stratford provides no services (the Town does not own this property). When you enjoy this beautiful property along Park Blvd., think about how your donation contributes to its maintenance.
In addition to maintaining our beautiful view at The Bluffs (mowing, removing invasive species, pollinator garden, and flailing), the LIA provides funding for the maintenance of eight gardens in Lordship. This includes the flowers and shrubs at Ackley Memorial Park (the Gazebo), the Flagpole and Captain Kidd’s Gardens on The Bluffs, Beach Drive Circular Garden (at the Seawall), Crown Street Garden (by the Lordship Elementary School), Triangular Rose Garden (foot of Maple St/Laurel St), Wayne’s Walk (on Riverdale Dr), and the Washington Parkway Garden. (See Gardens Map.)
Additionally, this past year, the LIA allocated monies to replace the diseased trees that were removed by the Town on the esplanades on Lordship Road, Victoria Lawn, Margherita Lawn and Washington Parkway.
2024 Membership Drive – Help Us Reach
$35,000 Goal with 310 Contributors
We need your financial help to continue to make our slice of paradise beautiful.
LIA Membership donations are renewed annually. Please consider an option that suits you best:
Lifetime Membership: $10,000
Annual Memberships:
President's Club - $1,000
Lighthouse Club - $500
Russian Beach Club - $100
Member - $50
Booster - less than $50
The LIA gratefully accepts gifts and bequests in memory of loved ones.
Please consider including this request in the obituary information.
To write a check, please send to:
Lordship Improvement Association, Inc
P.O. Box 313
Stratford, CT 06615
Or donate online with credit card or PayPal:
Please Note:
Contributions from non-residents are welcome; however, voting rights are available only to Lordship residents who contribute $50.00 or more.
The LIA is a 501(c)(3) organization recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Your contributions are tax deductible.
All personal information is kept confidential and will not be shared with any other organization or business concern.
Please be generous! Thank you for your support!
You’re Invited: 2024 Membership Meeting
The LIA’s annual membership meeting will be held on Wednesday July 17, 2024, from 7:00 to 9:00 pm at the Our Lady of Peace Hall (651 Stratford Road). LIA members and neighbors wishing to become members are invited to attend. Come to our annual meeting to learn about our plans, offer suggestions, and get involved in our community.
Volunteer! We Enjoy Working Together
We welcome your help and friendship as we work together to enhance Lordship’s beauty and environment. And there are many opportunities to help maintain the LIA’s eight gardens – and more. Please indicate your interests and say hello at: LordshipIA@gmail.com.
LIA Board of Governors
Jim Warren - President
Emily Viner - Associate President
Hans Drenkard - Secretary
Susan Birge - Treasurer
Jane Scofield - Burgess
John Florian - Historian/Communications
See more about the LIA and Board of Governors
Thank you for your support!